Pinderfields Hospital

Pupil Referral Unit

Interventions & Therapies


We are able to support a range of interventions appropriate to the individual as identified in the EHCP, which is received prior to the child starting at Forest Wood. Whilst we aim for all the children to take part in some group sessions, a lot of their learning will be through individualised programmes which are often delivered one to one or in a very small group. These may be programmes developed by our site, recommended by professionals involved with children or ones in which staff have received training. Programmes may include Intensive Interaction, physiotherapy, multi-sensory stimulation, Tac Pac, Attention Autism and many more. The effectiveness of such programmes are discussed and evaluated regularly and any adaptations required are made.


The therapists involved with individual children will vary depending on their needs. We currently have a Speech and Language Therapist onsite weekly who is involved with all the children, visits from the physiotherapists half termly for specific children and involvement from the occupational therapist for individual children as required. We receive support from other therapists and professionals as required for individual children.


Our site is set up with different areas focusing on different needs. These include a sensory room, a quiet room and a new outdoor play area which includes a sunken trampoline. The day is timetabled in a way which ensures that each child accesses the areas they need and the interventions and support they require. Each child’s day is personalised to them.

Further information can be found here.

Intensive Interaction

Attention Autism

Occupational Therapy

Fun with Food and Food Play