Pinderfields Hospital

Pupil Referral Unit

Phonics and Reading

Our progressive curriculum is mapped from the very earliest stages of development, roughly in line with expectations for a child aged between birth and six months, through to the age related expectations for a year six pupil. These stages of learning are used to break down expectations into pupil focused steps, with a focus on vocabulary and skills development. Our aim is to prepare each child for the next stage of their learning.


Curriculum vocabulary for learners working within stages A to F.

Curriculum vocabulary for learners working within stages G to L.

Progressive Curriculum

Our progressive curriculum details the skills and knowledge taught at each stage.  Each setting plans learning opportunities from the curriculum grids in order to meet the needs of the pupils in their care. For example, pupils attending Early Years Assessment Centre will likely be working within stages A, B and C, whereas pupils entering Woodlands may be working at stages J, K or L. The document below outlines the learning at each stage.

Below are videos and photos which demonstrate what learning may look like for your child. If you have any questions about what you see below, you should speak to the Teacher in Charge of your child's setting.

Synthetic Phonics

Our settings have training in and access to different phonics teaching programmes in order to meet the varied needs of the pupils who attend.

At Forest Wood and The Limes pupils are taught discrete sound knowledge and reading skills through the Jolly Phonics programme, which meets their learning needs through a variety of songs, rhymes, actions and characters.

Thornes and Woodlands pupils will access either Read, Write, Inc because they have had no prior phonics learning, or the Fresh Start programme from Read, Write, Inc if they have had prior experiences. 

Pupils at the secondary site, Wrenthorpe, may also access Fresh Start if they need further phonics support.

Pupils at the hospital school are supported to access learning from the programmes delivered by their schools, including all of the above, Letters and Sounds and Floppy's Phonics.

All sites are supported by our reading and phonics leader.

Primary and beyond!

It is unusual for children to move from our primary sites to our secondary site, Wrenthorpe. However, the information below highlights what the teaching of reading looks like for those pupils who attend our primary sites, secondary site, and our hospital site. Any questions about the information below should be directed to the Teacher in Charge of the provision, or the Assistant Headteachers.